Kamis, 29 Januari 2009


jujur yah ngk tau kenapa gw bahagia banget liat miley sama nick pelukan di kid's inauguration. Gw lebih suka nick sama miley dari pada sama selena. gw ngk sadar pas gw liat video itu ternyata air mata gw udah mau tumpah. huhuhu terharu dah nih gw...
dasar..dasar ..yang nostalgia siapa malah gw yang terharu..
tapi bener yah gw itu ngiri banget sama anak"nya obama,dia ituh lucky banget si!!!gimana kurang enak coba udah jadi anak presiden,tinggal di white house,nyanyi bareng joe,nick,kevin,miley sambil di peluk pula
aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gw ngiri sama mereka
kenapa si gw ngk ada di USA aja.!!!!
kenapa gw ngk bisa kesana!!!!
pokoknya suatu saat lagi gw harus ke sana!!! amin...

Senin, 05 Januari 2009


Last weak I conned a friend (who hasn't read the book) to go see the Twilight movie with me. I loved the book a lot (I'll get into that later) so I had fairly low expectations for the film, because I had heard it was bad. Still, there was part of me that was ridiculously excited to see it. I think I had expected it to be closer to the book. It took me hours afterwards to fully explain to my friend what she just watched, she had so many questions. I wouldn't recommend going if you haven't read the book, because it just won't make sense.
I thought I wouldn't like Robert Pattinson as Edward, because the picture of Edward I had in my head was so different. However, I was pleasantly surprised by his hotness, I think mostly because of the fact that he was Edward... if that makes any sense. Casting-wise, I had no major beefs, my beefs were mainly with the plot.
It felt like the build of the relationship between Edward and Bella was done in fast forward, so it didn't really make sense that all of a sudden they were in love and couldn't live without each other (especially if you haven't read the book). Also, Edward's explaination of everything about vampires seemed like it was given in bullet points - Bella is supposed to slowly unravel it, not have it all given to her at once. What what happened to the relationship between Alice and Bella? It was just non-existant. Not to mention Bella's friendships at school with Jess and Angela were also barely developed.
My other beef was with the filming itself. Who decided that the entire movie needed to be shot in close ups and bumpy forest shots from bizarre angles? I could see the covered up pimple on Bella's face, and my friend noted that she was wearing contacts. Not necessary I'd say.
Overall, I would strongly recommend reading the book first if you're going to see the movie, but if you're expecting something exactly like the book, you're probably not going to love the movie. But, if all you want are gratuitous amounts of the goodlooking and and swoonworthy Edward, then it'll be worthwhile to go see the movie.

twilight top

duh sumpah yah..baru kali ini gw nonton film sampe ke pikiran mulu.
duh edwar kenapa sii jadi cowok kok ganteng bgt sii,bayangan muka lo tuh muncul terus tau di kepala gw( dah lebay bgt dah gw),tapi emang bener kok..
apalagi pas lo naik ke atas pohon,main base ball,sama pas lo pake baju warna biru yg lo nemuin bella pas lagi cuci mobilnya..ooooomg bener-bener ganteng lo pas disini..
hhah dah berkali-kali gw ntn lo rob's(robert pattinson)...
yahh jujur gw salah juga,,kenapa ntn pas mau ulangan umum huhf..
mau se konsen apapun gw ngerjain soal tetap aj pikiran gw ke twilight terus..
kalo ada vampir se ganteng itu si,gw rela deh di gigit sama dia hehe
pokoknya suatu saat gw harus ke usa sama london, biar gw bisa ngeliat semua pemain twilight,jobros,miley dan semua artis hollywood
mulai dari sekarang gw harus rajin belajar b.inggris biar gw bisa jogo ngomongnya...amin
i love edward/rob's

holiday in dufan

tgl 17 desember lalu gw ke dufan
hufp rame bgt uyy,cz lagi bnyk yg lg study tour. dah gitu bnyk orang alay ih capek !!!
oh yah gw naik power apalah gitu,kicir" raksasa gitu dh..gw di puter"di atassumpah itu lama bgt..rasanya thjantung gw pengen copot,,apalagi pas kepala gw di bawah..sumpah tereakan gw paling keceng bgt,,abis itu gw di ajakin naik tornado,ngk deh makasih bgt,naik itu aja gw pengen nangis,apalagi naik torado>>
trs gw naik arung jeram,khusus perahu gw s'beltnya macet jadi semua harus pegangan ke bangkunya dh..gw malah sotau lagi pake berdiri-berdiri segala,,dan akhirnya jengjengjeng
plaakkk gw jatoh,dan sumpah gw malu banget...!

Senin, 08 Desember 2008

OMG empat jempol to twilight

omg twilight bgs bgt.di mulai dari pertemuan seorang gadis isabella swan,dengan cowok misterius edward cullen yang ternyata seorang vampir,lama kelamaan tumbuh cinta di antara mereka berdua, tapi banyak rintangan menghadang,ketika seorang vampir jahat ingin memangsa bella,dan keluarga edward pun matian -matian untuk melindungi bella,
yah..begiulah kira-kira ceritanya,pokoknya TOP BGT...dan menurut gw ini lebih bagus dari narnia,dan ini mungkin film barat terbagus yang pernah gw tonton.

Rabu, 03 Desember 2008

happy b'day rahma

hari ini rahma ulang tahun lhoo,met ultah yah ram...semoga panjang umur,sehat selalu,makin baik sama gw and dinda...dan satu permohonan gw..jangan suka ngeceng"in gw donkk
cape tau!!!ohh yah ram apa-apan loo ngatain bibir gu sexy.. ada tau orang yang lebih sexy bibirnya dari gw..lo tau khan???sapa dia... kyak ikan mas koki tuh bibirnya
sekali kali vivi tuh din yang lo gituin,jangan gw mulu...
OOiiaa...dughh makin ngk sabar niee pngen nonton twilight sama kalian meskipun gw dagh nonton duluan tapi tetap aja ngk afdol klo gw ntn di u tube...makin ganteng aj tuh sii robert pattinson
tpi tepat aja gantengan "him" gu...
coba dia tau perasaan gu ke dia..tapi lebih baik jangan degh...
niie satu hal lagi yang bikin gw seneng BS dagh pindah tempat...whhoopsss merdeka
degh gw..yeahh
biasanya bt bgt klo gw nengok ke sebelah kanan gw pasti ada dia...wleakk jijaii..................gak enak pemandangan'a(maaf) tapi emang bener kok...

Selasa, 02 Desember 2008


Sumpah hari ini gw tuh sedih bgt..
jujur tdi gw sebel sama dinda and rahma..
dia tuh bikin gw bt..
tapi ada seseorang yang lebih membuat guw sedih bgt...
dia itu orang yang gw suka...
sebenarnya tadi gw pengen nangis,,hheeg tapi gw malu klo nagis di hadapan temen2
sya ampuun kurang sabar ao sii gw selama iniii
"mereka" menyela gw,ngatain gw,gw ngk pernah mengeluh"
whatever major loser"!!!!
sebenarnya gw pengen bgt nerima tawaran itu..kapan lagi bisa sekolah di australi
tpi gw ngk mungkin lari dari masalah ini....
mungkin ini sudah takdir ..yaggh gw harus menjalaninya dongg
moga2 mereka semua bisa berubahh